I'ANSON international

I'Anson Inscriptions on/in Houses
If you find any I'Anson inscription (not monumental) please submit them for inclusion here.
  • High Street, Leyburn, North Yorkshire [now a shop]:
  • W
    I    A
    Triangular pediment over door contains this inscription plus a small leaf motif beside the '6'.
    Claimed to be the initials of William I'Anson.
  • On Priory House, Redmire, North Yorkshire:
  • H
    I    A 
  • On "The Swan" near Redmire, North Yorkshire:
  • H
    I    A
  • In a holiday cottage in Harmby (a mile and a half from Leyburn. NRY). This cottage is part of a converted stable/barn complex built in 1841. The date stone is a  bit worn but clearly shows the name 'Thomas I'Anson'.   A beam in the adjoining cottage has Thomas's name carved in it along with that of one I. L. Hampton.  The cottages are about 10 to 20 yards down Harmby Bank, off the A684 (opposite the Pheasant pub) marked with a millstone carved: 'Harmby Holiday Cottages'. [submitted by Neil McCarthy, Jan.2000]
  • In Kendall Church: (Brass, Bellingham chapel N). To M. William Ianson of Highgate, Kendal, Founder of Ianson’s Charity, Who was buried Decr. 4th. He was a man full of good works & alms deeds which he did. The trustees of his charity in 1868, though sensible that the good deeds of Mr. Ianson will outlive either marble or brass, have nevertheless thought meet to renew this simple tribute to his memory; the original memento having long disappeared from the church.



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