I'ANSON international

Ianson Reunion 2000
Potter County, Pennsylvania
Brydonson Farm
Brydonson Farm
Potter County, Pennsylvania

Report by Sherrie Ianson Eriksen:

The 3rd Ianson Reunion was held on July 29, 2000 at Brydonson Farms near  Coudersport, Pennsylvania.  There were 72 in attendance form all over the United States.  Washington, Florida, Alabama, Indiana, Illinois, New York and of course Pennsylvania just to name some.  We also enjoyed having Tatton I'Anson and his niece Maureen Ille with us again this year   from England.  The food, fun, and fellowship was great.  The day was a little cool and overcast with some rays of sun breaking through, thankfully the rain held out.  Many enjoyed tossing horseshoes or playing volleyball.  There was also a tour of the sap house and a sampling of maple goodies (yummy, thanks Bryan!)  Two wagon loads and a few cars made the trek to the family cemetery where more family memories were shared.  We all listened to information that Bryan Ianson shared on the "Lass of Richmond Hill" and on the need to find out what the "H" stands for in Miles H. Ianson, this will require a trip to Bath, New York.  If it is determined that the "H" stands for 'Harrison' then the link into the family tree is complete.  We also saw a picture of the family coat of arms, the family crest, and the book "The Lass of Richmond Hill."  There were many pictures and stories (including a few ghost stories) passed around and just a good time had by all.  So mark your calendar for the last Saturday in July 2002 and plan on coming over to the old Ianson homestead at Brydonson Farms for the 4th Ianson reunion.

Laurel "Sherrie" Eriksen

Brydonson Farm

Ianson Family Reunion, Pennsylvania 2000

Ronald Ianson



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