August 5, 2002
Ianson Reunion # 4 was held on Saturday, July 27, 2002, at Brydonson
Farm located on the beautiful Pennsylvania homestead of the Ianson family.
There were 66 family members and friends in attendance. This year
we greatly missed having Maureen Ille and her Uncle Tatton I’Anson from
England. They were unable to attend due to the death of Tatton’s
wife, Lydia. Our sympathies go out to them at this difficult time.
Before this reunion we lost another patriarch. On February
12, 2002, Marilla Simpson (or Aunt
Billie as I knew her) passed away. There are only 3 remaining now,
Art Simpson – Marilla’s husband, Hazel – Durward’s wife and Ruth Ianson.
As this generation passes on, take some time to reflect on the stories
that they have shared with you. Write them down so that this heritage
can be shared with future generations. Please send them to either
Donna Ianson or myself to share at the next reunion on July 25, 2004.
Thanks to my Dad (Robert Ianson) for sharing
his reflections on my Grandparents, Kenneth & Grace Ianson at this
last reunion. These thoughts are so important to who we are and what
brought us here. Oh, by the way, I would love to see more of you
at the next reunion; I want my kids to know who their distant relatives
We had good food, good stories, great laughs, basically just a
great time overall. At one point in the afternoon Bryan took a wagon
full of people around the farm and to the family cemetery. He also
gave a tour of his maple syrup operation. At the family meeting Bill
Ianson was given the position of President and Treasurer all rolled
into one position. I was asked to be Secretary. Each year we
pass a hat for donations. These donations help to off set the cost
of the port-a-potty, meat, sodas, and postage. The monies that are
left over will be used to purchase headstones for those that don’t have
them in the family cemetery. Everyone felt that this was a good investment.
Each reunion we take family group pictures before everyone leaves.
These family group pictures are quickly becoming a priceless treasure as
we go through the old ones and then in turn create new ones. Our
afternoon ended with quite a rainstorm that rolled through the mountains
and we had a couple of boys that thought it was great for playing ball
in (boy, were they soaked)!
As for the mystery regarding what the “H” stands for in Miles
H. Ianson, there is still no answer on this. I did find interesting
the fact that in the federal censuses where he is listed, he made a point
of having his middle initial recorded, most of the people did not bother.
It must have been important to him.
If you haven’t taken the time to join us for this family celebration
I encourage you to mark your calendars now for 2004. Let’s bring
this family together!
Laurel Sherrie Eriksen
(an Ianson daughter)
PS: I need addresses for the different branches of this family.