I'ANSON international

Transcripts of Documents 3.
The following is a true copy of King Charles the Second's Confirmation of the above mentioned Warrant and Grant to Sir Bryan I'anson for the dignity of a Bart which is registered in the College of Arms
[transcribed and submitted by Robert Charnock, (and re-transcibed by MLI)]

Charles by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland.  Defender of the Faith and To All to who these presents may come or concerne [sic].  Greeting.  Whereas the King, our late Royall [sic] Father of blessed memory hath been graciously pleased in consideration of severall [sic] good and acceptable services performed unto him by our trusty and well beloved Sir Bryan I'anson Knight to grant him a special Warrant directed to his Attorney or Solicitor General for the expediting under him his Ma's Letters Patents for the dignity of a Baronett [sic] which by reason of the late troubles have not been passed.  And forasmuch as both he and his eldest Sonne [sic] have faithfully discharged their duty in the execution of the Publique [sic] and private affairs committed to their trust and care both at home and abroad, and have attended our Service with great constancy, resolution, loyalty and good affection to Us and our affairs, and have thereby very well deserved of us.  Know ye therefore that We taking into serious considerationhia many long constant and faithful Services have given, granted conferred and confirmed and doe [sic] by these presents give, grant confere [sic] and confirm unto him the said Sir Bryan I'anson, Knight of Ashby St Leodger [sic] in the Coun. of Northa. and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten the said title and Dignity of Baronet of our Kingdom of England.  To have, hold and enjoy from the date hereof  the said title and Dignity in all acts and places together with all preheminances [sic], rights, privilidges [sic] and advantages heretounto belonging or any wise appurtaining in as full and ample manner as any other Baronet of our said Kingdom, doth now hold and enjoy, or ought to have held and enjoyed the same; and our will and pleasure is that this our present grant under our Royall [sic] Signature and privy Seale [sic] have in all things the same power, force and virtue as our Letters Patents under the Great Seale of England.  To that effect untill [sic] they be expedited unto him or in case of his decease to his eldest sonne [sic] or to his heirs male, with all the usual formalities and clauses requisite there unto and within discharge of so much money as is usually reserved to Us, in consideration of that Dignity without further Warrant. 
Given at the Louvre in Paris the 6th day of May 1652 and the fourth year of our Reigne.

The following is a true Copy of King Charles the 2nd letter to Sir Bryan I'anson taken from the Original and is likewise Registered in the College of Arms

Sir Bryan Janson.  The marques you have alwayes given our affection and fidelity to the Crown, since the beginning of theise troubles, gives me entirr confidence of the continuence of the same in the future of w'ch I have soe much and to assure yow y't whatsoever marques of favor have bin conferd by my Father upon yourselfe or your Sonne ether in point of honour or advantage shall bee made good to yow by mee as soon as it shall please God to restore mee to the power of doing it and that yow shall further find upon all occasions y't I am truly
Y't assured friend
Charles R
Sir Bryan Janson
From Paris Dec 28th 1651

Transcript 1 | Transcript 2 | Transcript 3 

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