I'ANSON international

[contributed by Toni Reed USA]

Venn, J. A., comp. Alumni Cantabrigienses, Vol. 3. London: Cambridge University Press, 1940.

[Under I]:
 I'Anson, Alfred Edward.  Adm. (age 18) at CAIUS, Oct. 1, 1880. 

  • Father deceased. S. of Mrs Fitzgerald, of Sydney,  Australia. 
  • B. at Shoal Haven, Sydney. 
  • School, Clifton College. Matric. Michs. 1880. Resided two years. 
  • Landagent and commission broker at Buenos Aires, in 1898. 
  • In Australia, in 1924. (Clifton Coll. Reg.; Venn, II. 444.) 
 I'Anson, Edward Blakeway.  Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, May 19, 1862.
  • [Elder] s. of Edward, architect (for whom see  D.N.B.) [and Catherine]. 
  • B. June 20, 1843, at Clapham [Surrey]. 
  • School, Cheltenham. Matric. Michs. 1862; B.A. 1866;  M.A. 1869. Studied in Germany. F.R.I.B.A. 
  • Succeeded his father in 1888 as architect for St Bartholomew's Hospital, and assisted him with the new Corn Exchange in Mark Lane and other work.
  • Practised at 7a, Laurence Pountney Hill.
  • Vice-President, Surveyors' Institution. Surveyor to the Charterhouse and to other large estates in South London. 
  • Member of the Merchant Taylors' Company; Master, 1901-2. 
  • Resided at Grayshott, Hants. Died Nov. 10, 1912, in London. Buried at Grayshott. (Cheltenham Coll. Reg., which gives 'b. June 28'; Eagle, XXXIV. 264; D.N.B.; The Times, Nov. 12, 1912.) 
 I'Anson, John Bankes.Adm. pens. at EMMANUEL, July 2, 1777. 
  • Of Dorset. [Elder] s. of Sir Thomas. [B. Sept. 13, 1759, at Corfe Castle.] 
  • Matric. Lent, 1782; LL.B. 1784. 
  • In Holy Orders. R. of Corfe Castle, July-Nov. 1799. 
  • Died unmarried and buried there Nov. 4, 1799. (G.E.C.) 
Alumni Cantabrigienses From 1752 to 1900: Volume 1 

[under B]
 Bromwich, Thomas John I'Anson.Adm. pens. at ST JOHN'S, Oct. 21, 1892.

  • S. of John I'Anson, woollen-draper.
  • B. Feb. 8, 1875, at Wolverhampton, Staffs. 
  • Schools, Wolverhampton and Durban High, S. Africa. 
  • Matric. Michs. 1892;  Scholar, 1893; Senr. Wrangler 1895; Math. Trip. 1st Class, Pt II, 1896); 
  • B.A. 1895; M.A. 1899; Sc.D. 1909. Fellow, 1897 and Lecturer; re-elected Fellow and Lecturer, 1907. 
  • Director of Mathematical Studies, 1914-20. University Lecturer in Mathematics, 1909. Professor of Mathematics at Queen's College, Galway, 1902-7; returned to Cambridge. F.R.S., 1906.
  • A successful 'coach'and Lecturer in Mathematics, who had a remarkable facility with algebraical manipulations
  • Secretary to the London Mathematical Society, 1911-19; Vice-President, 1919, 1920. 

  • Became mentally afflicted and was latterly an inmate of St Andrew's Hospital, Northampton, where he died Aug. 24, 1929, by his own hand. (Eagle; The Times, Aug. 26, 1929.) 
The Registers of Middleton St. George, In the County of Durham. Baptisms 1652--1812, marriages 1616--1812, burials 1616--1812, Transcribed, indexed, and edited by Herbert Maxwell Wood, B.A., 1906. 

1803.  Burials

  • Feb.  15.  Mary Ianson (died Feb. 12th), of Oak Tree, widow.  Aged 70. 
  • April 21.  Dorothy (died April 18th), of Oak Tree, wife of William Ianson, blacksmith. Aged 49. 
1761.  Deaths 
  • Nov.   4.  Thos. Ianson, of Oak Tree Houses, blacksmith. 
1759.  Marriages
    Nov.  27.  Wm. Hyenson(*) and Mary Atkin. (Wit. Thos. Wrightson and Peter Atkin.)  (*) Signs "William Ianson."--ED
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