f. 138
"To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty"
Petition of:
William Portal, Luke Martin, Peter Tournard, Paul Baudry Jr., Isaac
Gautir, Jane Fordan, James Janson, John Arnaud, Samuel Barrell,
John Bouillard & others.
"Most Humbly Showeth
That the pretended French Prophets having by the Horrid Noise which
they make when their pretended Prophetical fitts come upon them, caused
great multitudes of People both English and French to gather and assemble
about their house, your humble petitioners who most of them live near the
said house, did Imprudently happen to be of the Number.
That the said pretended prophetts having been examined by an Order
of the Right Reverend the Bishop of London directed to the Ministers &
Consistory of the French Savoy Church, have been reported imposters and
have been looked upon as such by your humble petitioners & the whole
body of the French.
That the said imposters being supported by severall persons particularly
by Sir Richard Bulkeley Barronett a Justice of the Peace, John Lacy Esq.,
& Doctor Keyth a physician, seek daily to revenge themselves by making
the French odious to the Hation.
That to that end the said John Lacy about the latter end of Aprill
last caused a Scandalous Advertisement to be inserted in a Printed Paper
vulgarly called the Flying Post, as was fully proved upon him, by one of
your Majesty's Secretaries of State.
That the said Sr. Richard Bulkeley, John Lacy & Doctor Keyth
having expressed themselves in most Impious Terms by saying that the Old
& New Testament were good for nothing as is proved by oath before Milord
Chief Justice Holt, some of your petitioners were provoked to give them
some ill language which otherwise they would not have done.
That the said Sir Richard Bulkeley, John Lacy & Doctor Keyth
did out of further malice on the 28th day of the said month of Aprill single
out William Portall One of the Elders of the Savoy Church & Most of
Your Humble Petitioners . . . and caused them to be bound over to the next
Quarter Sessions for Riotts. . ."